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The Rest Step Method to Achieving Your Goals
How a mountain climbing technique can help you overcome big challenges
I recently had one of those rare moments of parenting success with my 9-year old daughter. My efforts to get her to tackle a difficult homework assignment succeeded when I shared with her a technique I once learned to climb a mountain. As it turns out, it also lends itself very nicely to overcoming all sorts of seemingly insurmountable challenges you might face in life.
It started when I asked my daughter to do her weekend homework one Sunday morning. She was supposed to read for 30 minutes and take notes on what she had read. A little while later I discovered that she had done nothing. I asked her again to do her work. Again, an hour later, she hadn’t done it.
On the way to her older sister’s soccer game, I got firm with my daughter, telling her that I expected her to sit in the car and finish her homework while the rest of the family watched the game. After the game, I found her lounging on the roof of the car reading a comic book — homework undone.
It’s Easy to Falter Before Big Challenges
At this point, I was pretty frustrated with her procrastination, but realized that she must be struggling with something. I offered to help. She started screaming. I tried to read…